COST Action CA15207

Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science

Isabelle Engeli

Action Chair

Dr Isabelle Engeli is Chair of Public Policy at the University of Exeter. She was Reader (Associate Professor) in Comparative Politics and Public Policy at the University of Bath. Prior joining the University of Bath, she was Associate Professor and Director for Graduate Studies at the University of Ottawa, Canada. She also held a Max Weber Fellowship (2008-2010) at the European University Institute.

Her current research focuses on party competition and policy change, regulatory dynamics in human biotechnology, the politics of gendering policy attention and action in Western Europe and the comparative turn in public policy research.

She has recently co-edited volumes on morality issues in party competition in Western Europe and comparative methods for public policy. Her work appears notably in the European Journal of Political Research, the European Journal of Public Policy, Regulation & Governance, West European Politics,Comparative European Politics and Revue Française de Science Politics.  Her research has been co-awarded the 2012 American Political Science Association (APSA) Best Comparative Policy Paper Award and the 2011 Carrie Chapman Catt Prize.

She serves as Lead Editor of Political Studies Review (from July 1, 2017), co-editor of the Routledge Series on Gender and Comparative Politics and on a number of editorial boards.

She is the co-convener of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Standing Group in Gender and Politics, the co-convener of theEuropean Conference in Politics and Gender, and the founding co-chair of the Council for European Studies Research Network in Gender and Sexuality Studies.

Isabelle co-convenes, together with Joni Lovenduski and Amy Mazur, the international Research Network on Gender Equality Policy in Practice (GEPP), which investigates the politics of implementing gender equality across a broad range of policy sectors.

Isabelle regularly provides research and advice on gender equality policy and referendum votes.


12 December 2019

WG Reports are out!

WG1: The State of Political Science in Europe; WG2: Towards an European Political Science? Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Internationalisation [...]
5 September 2019

Working Group Meeting, Workshops/Conferences, The Hague, 19-20 September

New Babylon Conference Centre - Anna van Buerenplein 29, 2595 DA Den Haag, The Netherlands, Future Scenarios of the European [...]