COST Action CA15207

Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science

The project aims to build a broad network of scholars studying internationalization and social impact of political science.
The innovative nature of the project lies in its multidimensional focus: from the key concepts of Professionalization and Social Impact, the working groups included in the network have discussed data and interpretations of the recent transformation of Political Science. Please read the four WG reports for more details: WG1; WG2WG3WG4  
Political scientists produce lots of interpretative and normative analyses.
But are they sufficiently timely in their discussion of contemporary challenges? Are they still living in the Ivory tower? To what extent their scholarship is an useful  mean to facilitate the solution of the day-by-day problems in politics? Are social media really speeding  the advocacy action of political scientists up?
Political scientists study matters concerning the allocation and transfer of power in decision making, the roles and systems of governance including governments and international organizations, political behaviour and public policies. They measure the success of governance and specific policies by examining many factors, including stability, justice, material wealth, peace and public health. Some political scientists seek to advance positive (attempt to describe how things are, as opposed to how they should be) theses by analyzing politics. Others advance normative theses, by making specific policy recommendations.


25 October 2019

WG Reports are out!

WG1: The State of Political Science in Europe; WG2: Towards an European Political Science? Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Internationalisation of Political Science in Europe; WG3: Social visibility and Impact of European Political Scientists; WG4: The Advisory Role of Political Scientists in Europe
19 September 2019

Working Group Meeting, Workshops/Conferences, The Hague, 19-20 September

New Babylon Conference Centre - Anna van Buerenplein 29, 2595 DA Den Haag, The Netherlands, Future Scenarios of the European Political Science