COST Action CA15207

Professionalization and Social Impact of European Political Science


The main aim and objective of PROSEPS is to develop an innovative assessment of the state and the perspectives of Political Science in Europe.

At first, the Action will focus on developing a common framework for the understanding of the professionalization of Political Science, discussing and promoting a set of measurements regarding the academic centrality and the effectiveness of the work of political scientists.

Moreover, a comparative framework for assessing the social impact of “knowledge” of Political Science will be assessed and tested, in order to understand whether, and in what way, Political Science is employed at national level, and thus to understand the opportunities that political scientists currently seem to have to improve the impact of their work, and to contribute to the real process of policy making.


12 December 2019

WG Reports are out!

WG1: The State of Political Science in Europe; WG2: Towards an European Political Science? Opportunities and Pitfalls in the Internationalisation [...]
5 September 2019

Working Group Meeting, Workshops/Conferences, The Hague, 19-20 September

New Babylon Conference Centre - Anna van Buerenplein 29, 2595 DA Den Haag, The Netherlands, Future Scenarios of the European [...]